Anti-discrimination policy in recruitment and selection
General premise
We at Pollux Personeelsdiensten B.V. give job seekers a fair chance at work with our business operations. Everyone is welcome. We make no distinction in age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, life, political or religious beliefs, race, ethnic origin or nationality. In recruitment and selection, we assess job seekers on job-related criteria only.
- With this policy, we want to be clear and transparent to employees and third parties about what we mean by discrimination and/or discriminatory requests.
- What our position is on discrimination and/or discriminatory requests.
- How we expect employees to act around recruitment and selection.
- Where employees can go for consultation and/or a report.
- What the responsibilities of the employer are.
Definition of discrimination
By discrimination we mean: making direct and indirect distinctions between persons on the basis of age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, life, political or religious beliefs, race, ethnic origin or nationality. By discrimination, we expressly also mean: responding to requests from clients to make distinctions between persons in recruitment and selection on the basis of criteria that are not necessary or relevant to the proper filling of the position.
Position of the management of Pollux Personeelsdiensten B.V.
- We reject any form of discrimination.
- We honor clients' requests to take certain criteria into account in recruitment and selection only when objectively justified.
- Objective justification exists when selecting on the requested criteria:
- serves a legitimate purpose, with a good -function related- reason. For example, "security.
- results in the achievement of the legitimate goal, the means is appropriate to achieve the goal
- is reasonably related to the purpose, there is proportionality to the purpose.
- necessary because there is no other, less discriminating way to achieve the purpose (necessity criterion).
- We do not tolerate discriminatory treatment of employees by third parties. By employees, we also mean those who perform work under the direction and supervision of a hirer.
Acting by employees
- Employees have a personal responsibility to be alert to requests from clients of a discriminatory nature. So that they recognize requests and ensure that they are not cooperated with.
- Employees can always contact an MT member with questions about how to handle a request. Even if they have doubts about whether or not there is objective justification for a request.
- Employees can always contact an MT member to report perceived discrimination, abuse, misconduct or a confidentiality issue. If this does not lead to a satisfactory result, the employee can turn to management.
Responsibilities of the employer
Pollux Personeelsdiensten B.V. is responsible for:
- Creating a safe working environment where people treat each other with respect. There is room for constructive discussion and undesirable behavior in any form is prevented and addressed.
- The familiarity and implementation of this anti-discrimination policy. By this we mean, among other things, that employees:
- Are informed about and familiar with the policy. By signing on when hired and with a kick-off meeting on discrimination.
- received good instruction on how to recognize discrimination and discriminatory requests by discussing this as a topic at every work meeting using real-life cases.
- are prepared for confrontation with a discriminatory request and know how to conduct the conversation with clients. We accomplish this with periodic training sessions.
- the evaluation and updating of this policy.
As Pollux Personeelsdiensten B.V. we are responsible for the social policy in our organization. In this we want to create a climate in which employees and job seekers respect each other's integrity. On the basis of this responsibility a regulation has been set up to handle complaints about discrimination in recruitment and selection.
If you have a complaint of discrimination, you may submit it and it will be handled appropriately. For our complaints procedure, please refer to our Complaints procedure anti-discrimination policy in recruitment.