
We maintain the quality of our activities at a very high level through strict compliance with laws and regulations. Reliability, safety and quality can only be offered with the right preconditions and facilities. This is why we consider certification to be of paramount importance. We are certified by or affiliated to:

Certifications and quality marks


The Dutch Association of Intermediary and Temporary Employment Agencies [Nederlandse
Bond van Bemiddelings- en Uitzendondernemingen (NBBU) monitors Pollux on professional knowledge and correct application of the NBBU-CAO.
knowledge and correct application of the NBBU Collective Labour Agreement and
on the quality of administration and knowledge of legislation.


The quality mark of Stichting NormeringArbeid SNA is compulsory for all NBBU members. It sets out the financial and administrative criteria that a bona fide temporary employment agency must meet.  This makes hiring and temping much easier and safer.

With the SNA quality mark, Pollux is assessed on, among other things, the application of the legal wage, the allocation of holiday pay and legal liability. It also assesses the company's declaration and wage tax obligations and the turnover tax due, as well as checks on both identity and the right to work in the Netherlands.


Members of the Algemene BondUuitzendondernemingen (ABU) and the NBBU who provide housing for migrant workers themselves must comply with strict housing standards. This also applies to Pollux.

An independent institution checks whether members meet these criteria. If they meet the requirements, they are allowed to put the sticker of the Stichting Normering Flexwonen (SNF) on their housing.

To guarantee high-quality flats, Pollux works together with PLT B.V. Their flats are usually much better than the strict housing standards of the SNF quality mark.  This is a certificate recognised by the Dutch government.